Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just Don't Have Time To Read?

Most people read little or nothing during the space of a year, including some of the most educated people in the U.S. The most frequest reason given for their lack of reading is No Time! The good news is that such is seldom the truth. One does not need a lot of time to read a lot. Think about all the time you spend waiting...what if you had a book with you? If an average reader reads for 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 1 year how much would you read in a year? The equivalent of...
  • 4 Dickens novels or...
  • 5 Judith Krantz novels or...
  • 21 John D. MacDonald mysteries..or
  • 624 children's picture books...
How can we expect our children to grow up to be educated readers if the adults around them are not reading? How do you sell a product if you don't use it yourself? If adults do not read, if adults do not love books, then the children near them will not be sold on reading either.

Read! For more 0n the importance of reading aloud and "selling" reading to children check out Jim Trelease's web site! ~ Sara


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