Monday, July 17, 2006

Summer Reading Week 4

I hope all of you summer readers made it to at least one of our events at the library last week. We had a huge attendance at the Howell Nature Center's presentation of Mixed Animals! Thank you to everyone who did attend, and my apologies to those who arrived late and found seating for the program "difficult". We are a small library and we do the best we can to accommodate everyone who attends.

So as we start off week four of summer reading what kind of fun can you expect?
  • Tuesday, July 18th the Mad Hatters will be sharing stories at the library at 11:00 a.m. They are an excellent local group of story tellers! And following the Mad Hatters the kids will head outside to do some custom cupcake decorating (and eating)!
  • Tuesday, July 18th in the evening the Readers of the Roundtable (and 9 and older) will be meeting at 6:30 p.m. to discuss Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society by Adeline Yen Mah.
  • We will have our regular story time with Tom & Joan on Wednesday July 19th at 1:00 where we will share dinosaur stories and a do a dino craft.
  • Thursday July 20th ages 9-17 will do some basket weaving, everyone attending will take home their own basket. Registration is required due to limited supplies so please call the library at 734-878-3888 or

All of these events are free of cost! Hope to see you at the library! ~Sara


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