Monday, January 22, 2007

March & April 2007 Events!

I must start this blog with an apology for not blogging sooner. I know it has been a long time. First there were the holidays, then there was the new circulation software at the library, and now I am planning for summer reading events…always busy. However, I am sorry for the slacking.

My news is that we do not have many new events going on currently at PCPL for youth but there are lots of fun events to look forward to!

February 2007:

Tuesday Feb. 6 @ 7:00 p.m. Kelly from Catholic Social Services will be speaking to parents/teachers/caregivers and teens about the strategies drug and alcohol companies use to attract teens. Kelly will also introduce a drug and alcohol prevention web site called Reality Check. Refreshments will be provided and it is FREE! Please call the library to register at 734-878-3888.

Friday Feb. 16 @ 11:00 a.m. That’s right schools out! Children grades 1-4 (ages 6-10, independent readers) are invited for our FIRST EVER Book Bunch at the PCPL. We will be discussing Chocolate Fever by Smith. There will be book discussion; craft and snack (guess what that will be)! If you need a book or to register your child please call 734-878-3888.

Mondays Feb. 26 – April 2 at 10:00 a.m. Baby Time will resume. Bring your baby (0-24) months to the library for 20 minutes of stories, rhymes, songs and finger-plays followed by play time. Age appropriate toys as well as board books will be provided. Older siblings are welcome to join us. No commitment required, just drop in.

March 2007:

Saturday March 3 Steppin’ for the Library a 5K run/walk to benefit PCPL building fund. Registration starts at 8:00 a.m., the run starts at 10:00 a.m. Families are encouraged to run or walk together to get fit. The entry fee is $17 per individual before Feb. 23, and $22 for late registration. There is a $2.00 discount per person for a family of 4 or more! The race starts at Pinckney Elementary School. Stop by the library for the registration form.

Wednesday March 21 @ 5:30 p.m. join local author Denise Brennan- Nelson at the library for family night. Meet the author of Buzzy the Bumblebee (and numerous other books)! Fun for all ages! Please register by calling the library at 734-878-3888 so we know how many to expect.

On-going Events:

Family story time is every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Please drop in for stories and craft each week. No registration and no age limits.

Frightening Fridays at Screams Ice-Cream in Hell. Join us the first Friday of every month at 2:00 p.m. for stories, songs and (free) ice-cream for the children! Feb. 2, March, 2, & April 6.

Bed Time Story Time at PCPL @ 7:00 p.m. the second Thursday of each month. Let us help get your children ready for bed! Bring your children in their pajamas with their favorite stuffed animal to the library. We will share stories, songs, and a bed time snack. Free to all ages!

Teen Book Chat is the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ages 9 and older are welcome. There is book discussion, as well as book related trivia game and snacks! Fun & Free! We are reading Charlie Bone and the invisible boy by Nimmo for our Feb. 20th meeting. Please let us know if you need a copy of the book!

Keep your eyes (and calandars) open for fun events in April during Pinckney schools spring break! And I am enjoying dreaming of warm days and Backyard Quidditch as I plan our 2007 summer reading program “Get A Clue”! I hope to see you at the library! ~Sara

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