Puzzle Exchange
7:00-8:00 pm
Puzzle Exchange
Current and upcomming events, activites, and new materials for youth available at the Pinckney Community Public Library.
In the 10 years since the first “Harry Potter” book was published, the series has sold 325 million copies worldwide, with 121.5 million in print in the United States.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” the eagerly awaited seventh and final installment, released 12:01 a.m. Saturday. Around the world, children (and adults) could not wait to start reading it.
What were your favorite books when you were a kid?
If you are interested in knowing what other book titles adults remember with fondness check out the New York Times blog. ~Sara
July is the month of Harry Potter! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is released in movie theaters on July 11. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (book 7) is released on July 21. On July 20 Howell, MI will once again become Hogsmeade for every ones enjoyment! At the Pinckney Library we enjoyed participating in the Muggle form of Quidditch on June 28. Thank you to everyone who participated and to the Friends of the Pinckney Library for providing chocolate frogs and water bottles. On August 14 at the Pinckney Library we will host a discussion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for everyone who needs to talk about (who dies, who lives, why, what and how)! The Pinckney Library will provide Harry Potter style snacks, and of course, Harry Potter trivia! Please register if you plan on attending by calling 734-878-3888 or email scastle@tln.lib.mi.us. Be forewarned this discussion will include spoilers!!! Enjoy Harry Potter mania! ~Sara